JUNE is here.

Wow, right?

Time flies by us so quickly sometimes that often times the beginning of a new month is only a reminder for us to pay our bills.  It’s the first again? Better check my bills! Oops! Gotta get that rent check in the mail!

The beginning of a new month can also signal reminders as to what is to is to come.  Such as, it’s Cara’s birthday month, or Morgan’s wedding month, or it’s the end of school!

But often times those are just dates on our calendars that we create plans around, and perhaps shift our lives to accommodate.  Those things often revolve around other people, though.  Often times, our most beloved, but still others.

What are you going to do for you this month?

Did you set goals – resolutions – intentions for 2014?  Where are you at with those?  Don’t get down on yourself if you forgot about them!  Instead allow yourself to reinvent them!

Perhaps you never set any 2014 intentions, no problemo.  Whether you have some hanging around waiting to get checked off or not, how about stopping to take a moment right now. When ever you are reading this, whether it is the 1st or the 14th of the month to set an intention.


How do you want to feel this month?

What do you want to make time for this month?

What do you want to STOP doing this month?

Where can you be a YES to you this month, even if it means being a NO to others.

What can you Let Go of this month?

Who can you Forgive this month?

F Yeah June! www.yourjoyologist.com

The possibilities are truly endless for your JUNE! For your 2014! For your life! Set it all into motion by setting your intentions!


Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to. ― Lao Tzu

Tweet it!

Meaning…YOU DO HAVE TIME FOR YOUR INTENTIONS!  You can make time for YOU! Because you do WANT to, right?

Create June as your month to Shine!

Set your intention, write it down, post it up, and live into it!

Share your intention with us below in the comments, claim it and own it!

And remember I am always here for you if you need a kick in the butt, supremo support, and a warehouse full of tools to get you find your intentions and to live into them!

xo, Tricia

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