W3LL PEOPLE Clean Cosmetics for Divas & Hippies.

I have been sticking on the C-L-E-A-N cosmetics, skincare, bodycare lifestyle to a T since reading No More Dirty Looks in January.  As I wrote (here) about immediately after reading the book, for years I have been buying “natural” products thinking that...

Love Infinitely

A couple of weeks ago I opened my inbox to find a lovely acknowledgment message.   I absolutely love getting emails from all of you.  The ones where you spill out things you have never admitted to anyone.  The ones that you tell me how much you appreciate what I am...

Spring Time Mediterranean Quinoa

Quinoa is by far my favorite grains.  Let me give you a few reasons why. Contains all eight amino acids to make it a complete protein Has a protein content equal to milk High in B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium & vitamin E Gluten-free; easy to digest...

Joyologist mini-me! You can do anything!

Wow!  My lovely friend Alysse Fischer just shared this video with me and I just had to share it with you all ASAP! She is a little mini Joyologist in the making!  Listen to what she says, she speaks the truth

Nature’s medicine:Oil of Oregano

I always forget about the magic of Oil of Oregano.  I often turn to eatting raw garlic cloves when I get sick.  It is easily accessible, cheap and nature’s anti-biotic, but oil of oregano is also an easy thing to incoorporate into daily life and to take when...

Shedding Light on the Food Industry

Wow.  Thank you Robyn for this amazing talk and for all that you are up to in the world.  She is shedding light on how eating has become a risk to our health.  How are our food systems really regulated?  Why are food allergies becoming some prominent?   Is there...

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