The only best/right way of doing things.
This year, so far, has felt so much different for me for many reasons. I feel freer, more aligned, more alive than I can remember feeling for a while. I am doing the things I want to do and I am not killing myself working to get it all done and be everything to everyone.
I am not caught in the comparison traps of what are they doing? How are the doing it? What does that mean about me that I don’t do that or haven’t done that?
A quality or way of being and doing life that I have always relied on and come back to is:
to simply do what makes me come alive and brings me radiating joy and in doing that, to not get stuck in the how’s or supposed to’s.
We hold ourselves back so much in life. By doubting our capabilities, by worrying if we are doing it “right” or what people we think of us. By over researching and making up that everything has to be just so before we share it, do it, launch it.
Yesterday, I was having a catch up conversation with one of my favorite people, Robyn Youkilis and she said, “you are doing so much, I don’t know how you are doing it!”
To which I laughed and replied, well I only “work” 15-20 hours a week so to me it sometimes feels that I am moving at a snails pace, especially compared to her who is killing it majorly in her business and in getting her messages out in the world.
She then said well maybe it’s just that you are doing more scary stuff regularly and really putting yourself out there so it shows up as doing a lot as I know the energy it takes to just sit down and film a four minute video.
Ah, yes, I get that! I see that. You see, I LOVE writing. Another big goal of mine for this year is to write my first book (It is happening!) I LOVE having conversations and sharing my thoughts and insights which is why I wanted to start this new Youtube series and why I am also launching my own podcast in the next month (!!!!!) I love doing these things but they can also be the things that I push away and put off, hence why last year I wrote very little blogs and hadn’t made a youtube video in YEARS.
That was one major shift that I made this year and it started with this thought I posted on Instagram in January.
This has made me put a priority on the things I truly WANT to do and made me step up and actually DO them instead of keeping myself busy with busy work and never making the time.
Because you know what I say…
We have time for what we make time for.
And funny enough, even with me only utilizing 15-20 work hours a week, and with me making these bigger, scarier/exciting things a priority…I still have plenty of time for all the other work things that had been fully occupying my time, like emails, back end work, and the like!
I make up this is because I am living from a more joyful, intentional space and actually doing what I want instead of doubting myself and using busy work to distract me. YES, I am stepping into a discomfort zone daily, putting myself out there either by recording a video or reaching out to possible podcast guests, pitching myself to bigger platforms, etc…
These things that I am doing make me come alive so much that it has become easy (or well a shit ton easier) to keep stepping into them. And then because I am living in this lighter, freer, blissful state I am able to navigate and tackle all those other tasks that used to consume all of my time in a fraction of the time and they don’t weigh on me as much.
Another major reason in my life that I have been able to do what can be seen as BIG things is that I don’t allow myself to get caught up in the how’s.
I LOVE to explore how and what other people are up to and it does give me ideas and inspiration but when it comes down to it, I have to do what feels best to me and is doable for me. And that is in all areas of my life! Which is why I am cool with currently only “working” 15 hours a week, even if that means I grow slower or make less money. I want time with my kids, I want to enjoy my life, and I have to take excellent care of my body and mind.
My mind definitely wonders to think about (and compare myself to) people I see out there doing things in ways that can feel more proper, more thought out, more business like, more structured, more all the things… To business owner mom’s that have full time care and full time employees.
But those comparisons and worries about how I am doing it are pointless. What matters is that I AM DOING THE THINGS I WANT TO DO and how I want to and it works for ME.
What I am saying is….you can’t let the fears and worries of am I doing it right?!, stop you.
You just have to get the fuck out of your own way, and trust yourself!
Or as my girl Robyn, says, Go With Your Gut! (also the title of her first book).
Shut off the should voice.
Shut off the everyone else is doing…. voice.
Shut off the it isn’t perfect yet voice.
And, yes, sometimes you even need to shut off the This is how to…. blog, books, advisors, businesses and
just freaking DO whatever it is you want to do, in whatever way works for YOU!

So, what do you say? Are you ready to get out of your own way, quit researching and comparing and simply start doing?
Are you ready to stop (or switch the priority) on the things you don’t want to do to create more space for what you DO want to do?
Are you ready to stop waiting for the perfect time, perfect edit, perfect anything to happen or be finished before you put yourself, your project, what ever it is out there?
I promise you that beyond that discomfort, is so much fucking bliss!
I am here for you cheering you on!
Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.