A solo reflection episode!
A few loving reminders, nudges to lean into hope and possibility and a fun practice to play with to do just that.
P.S. It is not too late to join my SHAKE UP journey. It starts July 10th, BUT you can join at any time. The audio lessons drop right into a private podcast feed and there will be three live workshops (with replays) and an ebook, too!
I want you to accept all of yourself- past, present, shame, guilt, judgments, ups, downs. All of it. All of you. IN the now, so that you can meet yourself with the compassion, love, respect that you deserve.
Don’t wait until your deathbed to fully Own WHO YOU ARE!
Get my book at ftheshouldsdothewants.com and claim access to the bonuses! If you have it – PLEASE leave a review on Amazon + Goodreads!
Shop my products before they are gone at shop.yourjoyologist.com
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! Screenshot it and send it to podcast@yourjoyologist.com and I will send you a gift from my shop!
Join my new magical space for heart/mind/pep talks From The Heart https://triciahuffman.substack.com/subscribe I just added live monthly ZOOM meetups!
Order my favorite multi-functional protein blends by Sprout Living made with superfoods, adaptogens and nootropics and no fillers at https://sproutliving.com and use code “claimit20” for 20% off your order. I am obsessed with the Matcha Protein blend and Immunity + Hydration adaptogen powders.
Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.