Sometimes, I feel the call to write myself a little love note or doodle.   Doodling out a a few words and adding my childish drawings may seem silly, but it does a load of good for me.

Often times we are weighed down by a million things floating around us and within us.  Especially, in our overactive minds.  So much so that it can feel impossible to pause, to step outside, to take a breather, to even take a lunch break.  But, the thing is, the world will not crumble because you chose to take a few minutes (you are allowed to take more than that) to recenter yourself, to pick yourself up, to nourish yourself.

It is quite the opposite, really.  By you taking a short pause you are healing yourself, nourishing yourself, loving yourself.  You are creating a whole new realm of what is possible, by allowing yourself a breather, whether it be for 2 minutes, or a whole day.

When you snap back into whatever reality you took a pause from, you will be more valuable, more present, more alive, more grateful, more centered…need I go on?

Now, back to me…(ha).  Today has felt a bit harder for me and honestly a lot of the last few months have felt harder for me.  I am so beyond happy to be expecting my first baby, the hugest dream coming true!  What I honestly had no clue about was how much building a human life would take out of me!  Of course now, it makes total sense.

There is a fully developing baby inside of me! Growing each and every day, with all of the millions of parts that make us up forming.  It really is insane and a blessing to experience.  And these days it is extra fun with apps and emails telling me exactly what size the baby is each week and what is happening in there.

So, this growing in human has greatly sloooooowed me the F down.  I have still been able to move things forward in my business, and each week I am checking off items that are on my list of goals and I  have to keep remembering that.  Because to be honest, most days all I want to be doing is lounging around reading and watching movies.

My energy is way lower than I have ever experienced.  I have no desire to cook.  Curling up in a ball or a lounge chair in the sun is what calls to me.  I am now into my second trimester where everyone has told me it will get better, easier, I will start to feel more like myself…and somedays I do!  But I am still fighting feeling like a walking zombie and wanting to close my computer without finishing what I planned to get done.

I have been taking it easy on myself.  My intuition has been even stronger, which makes me practice even more self care and less guilt about what I am not doing.  But still some days I really wish I already had a staff that I could tell all of my wishes to and they would magically get done.  Well, I am sure all wish that one! ha!

So, today, a day where I feel like I am in a fog and I just want to go back to bed, but got myself to my office by 9am as to not miss packages that were arriving, I pause.  I doodle.  I remember.  IMG_1458

And you know what?  I AM!  I really am doing so much still.  Even though I sometimes feel like I have been a lazy bum the last few months, that is far from the truth.  It is easy to compare ourselves to an idea of what we “should” be, but sometimes so hard to see all that we are, and all that we are doing.

Really,  it is time for me to acknowledge of all that I have done these past few months, while still nurturing myself and a growing human inside of me.  I AM DOING MY BEST!  I am proud of myself and what I am doing.  I am fulfilled.  I am abundant.  I am in the perfect place, at the perfect time.

Join me, why don’t you?  Take a pause to step outside of yourself and really see yourself.  You are doing fucking fabulous!

 Acknowledge yourself for what you are doing instead of putting yourself down for what you aren’t.   {Tweet it!}

It’s a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding.  And, hey, doodle yourself out a little love note, why don’t you?  It is a good way to take a short pause, to reset your focus and remember your awesome.



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