Do you ever find yourself putting limits or even kaboshing a dream because “that costs money and I don’t have it”.

Yeah, it’s easy to do.

Just now as I was cooking lunch, I thought to myself I want a new pot with steamer attachment.  And immediatly said, NOPE.  Can’t afford that right now.  Not spending money and that is not a necessity.

This is obviously a teeny tiny dream, but it is just one of the many things that I have been putting the immediate kabosh on lately.  Everything from a new steamer pot to a new product I want to create, to being able to have a booth for my products at a major gift show, to attending a yoga class while paying a sitter to watch Zia.

I have been squashing my dreams and not giving them any hope this past month that I have put myself on a strict no spending budget.

But the thing is…they are dreams.  I need them, we need them, to inspire us to keep going, keep working, keep progressing.

We need to take away the boundaries of our dreams to allow ourselves to fully see what we want.

If you only allow yourself to dream with barriers, you really aren’t allowing yourself to dream at all. (Tweet it!)


Your dreams are meant to inspire you!  And while sometimes they can seem so out of touch with the life you are currently living, they ARE possible.  By shooting yourself down immediately you, and only you, make them impossible.

Dream past your budget. -


To help myself get around this constant kaboshing, I thought, what if I created a list of things I will buy when I do have the money.  And not a list of things I would buy if I had money.  But a list I WILL BUY, WHEN I HAVE THE MONEY.  Because saying and writing it that way creates it as possible.

Our words our powerful and small changes from using words like would, should, could to will are HUGE!

So right now while Zia is napping I am starting my abundant lists of dreams.  One for those everyday home and personal items (new yoga pants, steamer basket, yoga class) and one for my dreams for growing my business.

I already feel inspired, excited, and lighter by allowing myself to be a yes to these dreams big and small again.  These lists will motivate me to create more ways to bring money in and I will be thrilled when I get to mark off even the smallest of items.

Your dreams are possible.  Stop shooting yourself down.  Allow yourself to think bigger than your current situation.  Allow yourself to dream beyond your budget!


Want more tools on how to get out of your own way and one on one guidance from me? My Be Your Own Joyologist Program is enrolling now!  We start February 13th!

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