Changes are brewing…

Change is brewing over here.  Big stuff.  Good stuff.  Exciting stuff.  Life stuff.  Dreams stuff. Annnnnnnd EXHALE. A lot is going on in my world and I really am thrilled with all of it.  But, of course CHANGE is scary.  I choose to say thrilling over scary. In 2013,...

I am Being a listener to love expressing through concern.

Many people gave me warnings about such a big move and gave me their view on NYC life.  I listen and know that it is them expressing love.  They care about me, so they are sharing their experiences of NY and life with me.  I gently remind them that … A) I am not...

I am Being a smooth transition

My move to NY from LA has been incredibly easy.  Easy because it was or easy because I made it easy, by not stressing and knowing that it would all work out perfectly. After a full week + of craigslist dedication I found the perfect affordable sublet in a great...

I am being in ecstatic bubble state

I am living in an ecstatic bubble state. Sometimes tears start to roll from my eyes as a result of the pure bliss I find myself in. I hear someone thinking as they read this, “What happens when the bubble pops?” The bubble doesn’t pop, it may deflate...

I am Being my fairytale

  I have been having a love affair with my laptop, or more so the internet.  I am search, search, searching away for a NYC sublet.  I am creating my website (which will be launching soon at  I am looking into flights, ways to move, subletting...

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