Feb 14, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
A perfect affirmation for this month of love! You are worthy of your own JUDGEMENT FREE love. Treat yourself as you do your best friend, your sister, your daughter. Be kinder, more gentle, more forgiving, more accepting of your whole self....
Dec 20, 2016 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
There is no need to be stingy with your love, appreciation and congratulations! I promise it does you more good to be happy for others then it does to think why not me, to be jealous, to compare yourself to them. Lets all celebrate each other!
Sep 23, 2016 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Beyond your accomplishments, your job title, your wardrobe, your degree. . . beyond it all. You at your core are valuable. Are loved. Are enough.
Sep 23, 2016 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Quit overthinking it. Live from the heart.
Sep 9, 2015 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Break down the walls. Break down the barriers. Let that shit go.