A few days ago we arrived back to Rio to a hotel next to the beach. I had planned on jumping in the waters on our return but we arrived to the hotel much later than expected and the surf was enormous and dangerous looking. There were even red flags posted along the sand. I had really been craving the water so I decided to go for a walk along the tide instead of heading to the gym. It was 6:30pm when I headed outside and clouds were covering any visiblility of the sun. It was still in the upper 70s to low 80s though. I took only my ipod and room key with me and opted for flip flops instead of running shoes so that I could feel the sand and water. As I walked along the huge surf I felt like I was the only person on earth. I felt completely at peace and safe with these huge waves crashing in and with the tide reaching further and further onto the beach. I wasn’t alone on the beach, there were others running in the sand but they were far from the water. There were also people milling about the sidewalk and a full traffic lined street above that. I was not alone at all, but it was really hard for me to believe that. As I reached the farthest point of the beach a storm started to set in and I giggled and skipped through the water like a little girl. I got caught by the tide several times, even as I tried my hardest to outrun it. My pants were wet up to mid-thigh and the rain was covering the rest of me. I began to sing outloud along with what was coming through my headphones, not in a shy soft voice, but a loud and proud voice as if I was alone in a car on a roadtrip. It was the most magical, moving, enlivening piece of time. I felt connected to spirit, to nature, to myself. I was spirit, I was nature, I was myself. I am spirit, I am nature, I am myself.

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