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reboot is now in session!
enrollment is currently closed. 

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could press PAUSE on our life so that we could have the time and space to evaluate what is working and what is not?

So that we could clear out our homes, assess our relationships, examine our habits and really give ourselves a Reboot?

So that we could examine our priorities and see if where we put our time and energy is acutally aligned with those prioirites or not – And then brainstorm and activate shifts?

Yeah, that would be awesome – but the reality is that even when life slows down it can be a real freaking challenge to make the time and space to truly give ourselves that intentionally time to explore and take action.

So, let me support you, empower you, and cheer you on as you do it!

Are you ready for
a reboot ?

Want to feel more content and/or alive in your life?

Want to re-examine your routines and habits to see what is working for you
and actually make shifts and changes?

Want to feel confident in who you are and where you are in your life,
even if you wish you were further along?

Want to feel connected to your joy, fulfillment and purpose on a daily basis?

Want to re-evaluate your priorities and make shifts that support you?

Want to clear out clutter, clothes and relationships that are weighing you down?

Want to be present to the magic that does exist in this world and in you?

join reboot and:
connect to yourself
let yourself expand
prioritize your priorities
 let that shit go 

I want you to imagine ACTUALLY making space in your life, in your week, in your days to look at what is working for you and what is not AND then to actually MAKE CHANGES!

Imagine how it will feel to activate more intention in your days, more connection to your current self, to put more time towards the things that fill you up and less time into what doesn’t. 

Imagine how you will feel to prioritize yourself!

Imagine how it will feel to LET GO!

Imagine how it feel feel to start making even the smallest changes towards what you want?

I can’t tell you how you will feel but when I do these things that I am going to be leading you through I feel:


And I want that for you, too!

what is it?

A 4 week ACTUALLY DOABLE, supported reboot to reconnect to yourself and what matters to you!   

We will meet up LIVE on Zoom weekly to dive in deeper to the places in our lives we are rebooting!   

It will be part me talking, guiding, empowering you, part guided journal session and part discussion with a chance for you to open up, talk and get support. 

PLUS – Every Monday through Friday of the 4 weeks you will get a little note from me with something to consider, explore, examine or act on in your life. 

They will all be things you can actually activate that day – and if you don’t get to it that day, no big deal you can catch up another day or even do them all on the weekends if that is what works for YOU!

PLUS – There will be a community support space for you to share what you did for the daily item and to get support. Your shares will support and inspire others. And seeing other people’s shares will support and inspire you and give you ideas on what to do for your own. 






REboot will guide you to:


Examine your habits, routines, relationships - your life!


make shifts in your mindset and your life.


Let go of what is no longer working for you.


Make small but intentional actions each day to connect to yourself, and your joy and fulfillment.


Remember that this life is yours and you are able to make changes at any time!


Conquer those things you have been putting off for weeks, months, even years!


Shed the thoughts, beliefs, relationships and more that have been casting a dark cloud on you.


Reenergize your zest for life and what is possible!


Empower you to actually be in your life instead of just going though the motions of it.


and so much more!

This a mental reboot and a reboot to your life, habits, relationships (and a little on the stuff in your home too because the letting go of the stuff we don’t need also creates a mental shift and freedom)!

love for being a part of tricia's programs:

“The program I took with Tricia changed my life and way of thinking. I now have the tools to move forward and love myself for everything I am. I can already notice the difference in my daily life in interactions with others and my reactions to them. . I don’t stress out about things like I used to because the tools Tricia teaches help you to realize there is an opportunity in everything if you just CHOOSE to see it and move toward it. To fall into your fears and overcome them. The program has given me priceless advice and I’d so it all over again.”


If you’ve ever wished you could have a supportive coach and cheer squad behind you while you’re playing the game of life, join this team! You get great tools and training to use in your everyday life to help you through the tough times and celebrate the good times.A no nonsense, easy and practical way to change and appreciate one’s life.


Tricia is with you every step of the way. She has a lighthearted, badass, and loving ability to hear you and respond with solid answers that go deep and can root out the bullshit if you’re ready to release it. As with everything in life, it’s up to each of us to “own our awesome,” and Tricia teaches how to actually put those words into ACTION with applicable tools and lots of love. " 

- Maria

“I absolutely loved the program I did and am so grateful to Tricia for everything she has done! She made it easy and safe to participate in the group and was such a great support and resource during the course. I miss the weekly calls with everyone, it was such a nice, inviting and inspiring space!”


“Tricia Huffman is a major source of inspiration, guidance and yes, joy in my life. I started following her inspiring emails years ago and have since purchased many awesome products, taken her courses, downloaded her app, listened to her podcast and am eagerly awaiting her book – she really has something for everyone. Her approach to life is positive and yet realistic at the same time. Tricia taught me that achieving joy is an ongoing journey and any daily effort will get you closer to where you want to go. She is a constant source of support and will find ways to lift you up when you don’t even realize you need it. I can’t stress enough what a blessing it has been to work with Tricia.”

—Kelly B

"Thank you, Tricia, for your guidance in helping me OWN MY LIFE! Not only did you teach me the skills to recognise how I was letting the shoulds take away my sense of self and purpose, but it helped me find the confidence to say HELL YES to my wildest wants. I’m actually writing this from a jungle cottage overlooking the white sands and blue waters of the Philippine Sea. And to think I almost missed this amazing opportunity because of someone else’s shoulds! I’m F-ing the shoulds, doing the wants, and crafting a life that aligns with my values and desires. I’m forever grateful."

-Love and sunshine from Palawan, Sally R.

“I’ve struggled with self esteem and “enoughness” my entire life. Boundaries can be uncomfortable. Tricia provided tools to work through and really breaks down whatever it is you are going through, reframes the thought process and really does provide a better solution.
Thank you, Tricia, for providing such a safe space to be who we are.”


“I signed up for a 6 week coaching program with Tricia expecting to focus on a significant life stage journey. Instead, I found myself looking deeper within, confronting relationship challenges that I did not know would become part of my transformation; while all along staying curious and hopeful. The little steps I took became great opportunities for me to reexamine myself from a place of gratitude. I found the personal space I needed to create healthy boundaries and happier relationships, all a necessary part of the next adventure (a significant life stage) in my life.”


“Tricia is a wealth of tips and tricks to help improve the thoughts that can make life harder than it needs to be! I have been following her for quite some time, and have bought products, and have recently completed her Be Your Own Joyologist course, which was great! I feel like I have tools to face fears, figure out how I want to think & feel, and how to really appreciate how much choice and freedom I can have! ”


“Tricia gives us permission to pull out that light in us that we work so hard to hide. She is a constant reminder of truth and actively holds you accountable to look in the mirror and love the soul you see. I’d like to say I’m a changed person. It’s more accurate to say that I found my spirit. I fell in deeper love with my soul and shed unnecessary excuses for survival because Tricia guided me through knowing that all I need is LOVE in order to LIVE. ”

- Jocelyn


 Sharing affirmations, insights, and I take you behind the scenes in my stories to share how I shift my thoughts!

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