Tracee Stanley has been practicing yoga nidra since 2001. She left her high-stress career as a Hollywood film producer to share these empowering and rejuvenating practices with others. Her effortless way of sharing ancient teachings in accessible ways is her superpower.
RADIANT REST published by Shambhala Publishing is her first book due out in March.
In this episode we talk about:
being bullied in high school and how she got through it
Planning on being a lawyer and then getting scouted to be a model
What modeling and living around the world taught her
Taking a stand for who she was and claiming her worth instead of letting that be decided by others
Her moment that showed her she was ready for a change and starting to work for free as an intern at a film company
Her journey in the working film industry for 15 years.
Yoga being the foundation that allowed her to grow herself and her career.
Yoga allowing her to really be able to trust her intuition and gain confidence and how those were two huge things she really needed to be successful in her work.
Opening a donation based yoga studio because she saw a need and that leading to her being certified as a teacher.
Starting to teach and seeing the change in herself and the students and wanting more of that feeling.
Her why for her teaching and why it doesn’t require a lot of asana.
How she came to write a book about yoga nidra when that was not her intention for her first book.
Her intention for her book Radiant Rest.
For more about Tracee https://traceeyoga.com/ and https://www.radiantrest.com/.
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
The way of the peaceful warrior.
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Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.