Stephanie Chinn is an illustrator, Best-Selling author, and women’s advocate. Her work focuses on illustrating the different ways we can remind ourselves that we are enough the way that we are, while simultaneously unpacking the different ways we have been led to believe we are not. She began sharing her work on IG in 2019 and has since been featured in Yoga Journal magazine and was recognized by Adobe as an upcoming female artist. Her debut book: Here Sister, Let Me Help You Up became an instant Indigo and Barnes and Noble best-seller. Most importantly, she is just a human doing her best.
On This Episode we talk:
- how she got her first start in art by making concert posters
- what inspired her to start her own cupcake business
- fighting and overcoming addiction
- the loss she experienced and how that has impacted her
- what got her to start creating art again and sharing it online
- her Step Into Your Magic work and why it was important for her to start that along with her art.
- And so much more!
Go check out her work and get her book at https://www.stephaniechinn.com And find her IG at @stephaniechinnart
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.