Nakeia Homer, Author, Wellness Expert, & Advocate for Aspiring Women
Social worker, turned award-winning songwriter, author, speaker, and mentor, Nakeia Homer has become the first person many aspiring women want to hear from every morning. A true advocate for mental wellness, Nakeia’s work, words, and personal story of turning pain into power helps those seeking purpose, healing, spiritual guidance, and growth become
the best versions of themselves. Known for creating daily “pep-talks you didn’t know you needed,” Nakeia has drafted thousands of transformative notes, quotes, and indelible messages that is empowering readers around the globe to heal and grow. She is a sought-after wellness and wellbeing expert and trauma informed educator, facilitating powerful workshops and keynotes on the power of story, self-care, and purpose.
In this episode we talk about:
- growing up with a rejection complex and constantly explaining herself and her family situation
- how a speech she heard in elementary school shaped her life and gave her focus and determination for her future.
- how the Silence of The Lambs inspired her first career choice.
- switching careers to become a songwriter with out any prior experience.
- stepping away from her super successful songwriting career to work more on herself
- how she came to start sharing her words online
- how her own grief and struggles of 2020 inspired her to self publish her book “I Hope This Helps” even though she never thought she would self-publish
To learn more about Nakeia, become a member of her community, order her new book, or hire her to speak, visit nakeiahomer.com and @nakeiahomer
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.