Lisa is a Registered Dietitian who helps people heal their relationship to food by learning to listen and trust their bodies. She founded The Well Necessities.com, an online blog where she talks about food freedom, emotional empowerment, and provides real tools to help others live an authentic life that is aligned with their values.
Lisa is one of my favorite people to follow in Instagram as all that she shares feels dead on to what I believe but I just don’t really talk much about food, exercise and wellness and our relationship to it anymore as my main focus is what is going on in our minds!
In this episode we talk about:
- how our personal wellness really affects our whole lives
- the language we use around food (diets) and the rules we have and may not realize
- What inspired Lisa’s desire to become a Nutritionist
- how often we have disorder eating and don’t realize it but an obsession with wellness can create that
- how perhaps having a non perfect diet is the healthy way to be
- the wellness obsession may not be centered by weight loss but still becomes obsessive
- following trends and diets and ways of eating doesn’t teach you how to listen to your body and create food fears
- how disorder eating the desire to control your body and the fear of gaining wait, being the “right weight” affects people of all sizes you can be super thin naturally and still live in fear of gaining weight
- seeing a therapist in college when she realized she constantly thought about food and what she would be eating next
- realized she kept attaching herself to new sorts of food rules as she moved from vegan, vegetarian, clean eating, etc..
- being naturally thin and her story of still comparing her bodies to everyone else’s bodies in a negative way
- the way our society comments on girls and women’s bodies
- how to relate to others once you have started to heal your own food rules and so many others are still living into theirs
- how the language we use and energy we have when having conversations can shift them so the other person is more receptive
- how the more compassionate we are with ourselves the more we are with others
- opening up her own practice as a registered dietician and giving her clients a blueprint for how to eat but also at the same time practicing food freedom and mindful eating at the same time
- integrating what she was learning herself with these new thoughts around food and our relationship to it to her practice and seeing it transform her clients lives
- what listening to your body really looks like and how it won’t mean you end up eating donuts everyday
- my stories in realizing the food rules I had been living into
- what started to wake Lisa up to her own disordered eating even as a Registered Dietician
- how food substitutes can create disordered eating (like cauliflower easy)
- how our messages and how we relay them won’t resonate everyone and that’s okay
- how she gauges what to share online
- Which keychain she chose from my line and why!
Make sure to check out my September partner Saaltco and their Back to School Campaign to raise awareness on Period Poverty at @saaltco www.saaltco.com and use code “claimit” for 10% off on their site to get yourself a period cup from them, seriously a game changer!
You can also grab one at your local Target!
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment Beand I will track it down for you!
Lisa’s Fork the Noise Course
All things Lisa https://thewellnecessities.com
And make sure to follow her on Instagram @thewellnecessities
My episode with Robyn Youkilis
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.