A Chicago native, former Div-I college athlete, with a Masters in Counseling/Psychology, Leo Flowers moved to LA to also add stand-up comedian, actor and podcaster to his resume. Quickly working his way into major comedy clubs and colleges across the country. His delivery has been described as “smooth and deliberate.” No two shows are ever alike, as he’s always attacking the issues of the day and revealing personal anecdotes. Infusing stand up with storytelling, Flowers captivates audiences of all demographics.
Leo Flowers appeared on Comics Unleashed with Byron Allen, was a runner-up in the San Francisco
International Comedy Competition, and was a finalist in the 2011 Stand Up for Diversity competition. He has toured on the Shaved and Depraved Comedy Tour, and hosted both MTV’s “Sports Blender” and Starz “Staan’ ‘Dup,” and was featured on “Last Call from Carson Daly,” on NBC!! Most recently he’s appeared on Comedy Central’s “This Week At the Cellar.”
On This Episode we talk:
- his life growing up and why he either planned to get sports scholarship or join the military
- his mother’s motto of “learning or earning”
- how his injury re-directed his life
- what inspired him to study psychology
- working as an undergrad in the jails and with youth
- moving to LA to become a comedian and actor and what steps he took
- how his curiosity has him leaning in to take chances
- his podcast “Before You Kill Yourself”
- and so much more!
For all things me go to https://yourjoyologist.com and @_triciahuffman and @yourjoyologist on social media
Find Leo at https://www.leoflowers.com
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.