Leigh Standley is the artist, writer and founder of Curly Girl Design, Inc. In it’s over sixteen years, Curly Girl Design and Leigh’s line of clever and colorful greeting cards and giftware have taken the industry by delightful storm. Focused on the magic of the small moments, her product peeks into the corners of life and taps into the hearts of all. Founded in 2002, the company began with just 12 greeting cards and has grown steadily. Leigh holds two LOUIE awards
for greeting card excellence and has been a nominee for 5 others.
With a focus on connecting people to themselves and each other through writing, story telling and artistry, Leigh hopes to serve by helpoing to make a big world a little more connected and joyful.
After 20 years in Boston, Leigh now lives in the mid-west with her husband, twin little people and her favorite mutt, Lucy. She believes firmly in the power of creativity and community to unlock our truest selves and is proudly “Living imperfectly with great delight.”
In this episode we talk about:
- The moment in the brake room eatting yogurt that is as her wake up call to the life she didn’t want.
- Getting her start as an art director with the rise of the internet out of college and living it up until the dot com bubble burst. KJ
- Starting to work for a friend opening up a yoga studio and making art pieces just to stay creative and her friend wanting to decorate the yoga studio bathrooms and wanting to buy them.
- Getting somewhat forced to start her business by her friend
- The 24 hour dilemma her boyfriend (now husband) gave her
- finding her place in business and the gift/card world
- the evolution of 20 years in business
- how we measure success
- being anti-hustle
And so much more!
For more about Leigh and Curly Girl Design visit www.curlygirldesign.com and find her @leigh.standley
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.