Koya Webb is a wellness visionary, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, and founder of Get Loved Up, a conscious community that practices daily self-care and makes healthy living a priority to promote healing, social justice, and spiritual connection.
Koya shares her passion for dramatically decreasing the number of people who suffer from chronic diseases associated with a stressful lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and self-defeating habits through self-care, plant-based nutrition, and community education.
In this episode we talk about: her journey growing up and getting into athletics and spirituality
and getting offers for colleges in her freshman year in high school
Our power of choice and how she used that in her life
How having ambition and dreaming can keep us alive.
How an injury brought her to yoga via her school counselor
How over training made her focus on self care
Following your joy and how to create your own love bank.
How by following her joy she was able to pour into herself and her loved ones.
How ingrained in us our limiting beliefs can be and our relationship to money.
The energy of abundance and the energy of money. And feeling a part of the whole.
Being a personal trainer and how that called her to want to help me more so got into life coaching.
Her no matter what I’m going to figure it out way of life.
Why she wrote her book
How yoga challenges on social media kept her accountability to her practice and led to brand partnerships
The importance of feeling and acknowledging your feelings.
Her view of the law of attraction and how our energy and emotions effect it so why you want to face your real thoughts and feelings
For more from Koya and to get her book, programs and products go to https://koyawebb.com and find her at @koyawebb
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.