On This Episode we talk:
- about her dreams when she was younger
- the diagnosis she received in her early 20’s that changed her path
- how she found brain mapping and how that led to so much more discovery
- finding a job that didn’t take all her energy so that she could have energy to focus on her joy.
- how our brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality
- why she thinks her stress levels led to her chronic condition
- the impact on playing out trauma may have on actors
- what hypnosis really is and how she got into it.
- the really cool thing about our subconscious mind and how we can feed into it.
- And so much more!
For more from Emilie find her here:
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.