In this episode we talk about:
creating her vision of life as the opposite of what she expierence growing up
Finding out her mom had pancreatic cancer at her high school graduation party
Needing to feel safe.
Getting a job that has her in a new city every 6-8 weeks and how that was perfect for running away from grief.
How yoga brought out her grief and allowed her to start to deal with her anger and emotions.
how we deserve the right to not be okay
Seeing how she has stayed places too long. And know leaning into being uncomfortable
Setting up roots in LA without having a job lined up.
Getting certified as a yoga instructor and how she started teaching and then left her marketing job to pursue teaching and entrepreneurship full time
- what inspired her affirmation candle line
- seeing that here mission here is so much bigger than herself
Shop her I AM Candle Collection
Connect with Ace at
@aceyogala + @i_am_candles_by_ace
Check out my awesome podcast partner and get 15% of the green juice powder and all their other organic superfood powders at www.organifi.com/tricia
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.