This has been my main meal all week.  I don’t pre-plan my meals.  I buy what I like and what looks fresh and then whip things up when I am hungry.  I am in love with this creation because there are so many flavors and they all work together, especially the sweetness of the squash.   My recipes are quite loose, to give you creative justice on making it your own and working with what you may have around.  Enjoy!

Kabocha Squash sliced with seeds removed – if you can not find the squash or it is out of season use sweet potatoes instead.

1 TBLS olive oil
1 good sprinkling of real salt
juice of 1/4 lemon (about 1 tsp)
1 tsp-TBLS of dijon mustard
1-2 cloves of garlic chopped
pumpkin seeds
flat leaf parsley

First, start the squash steaming it will take 15-20 minutes.

While the squash is steaming, massage oil, salt, and lemon juice into kale.  You will visually see it break down.  This makes the kale taste better and easier for the body to digest it.

Then add the mustard and massage it in too.

Top with the garlic, dulse, pumpkin seeds, avocado, parsley.

When squash is soft add to your yummy kale creation and enjoy!

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