This weeks video kind of seems like a downer…but I promise it’s not.
I want to make sure you know that doubts, fears, judgements, comparisons and feelings of not enough was will likely never go away…
Not that you will live with them always but the will come up!
No matter how much work you do. No matter how perfect your self care routine is. No matter how much meditation and therapy and wellness you do.
BUT you do get better and better at noticing what you are thinking and feeling so you can then address it and shift it and move through it.
It’s also a reminder. To stop being so hard on yourself. To stop making yourself wrong because you “slipped up” had a bad day, fell back into an old way of being…
Have compassion for yourself and see this work will be continually in your life.
There is no grand tada I mastered life and now everything is rainbows and unicorns
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