The Neti Pot that is! With Spring coming up, the Neti Pot is definitely a great thing to have on hand for change of season sinus, allergies, and colds.

I am sure that many of you have seen these odd little pots that you stick up your nose.   imagesYou fill it with a mixture of water and salt, and pour into it into one of your nostrils and it comes out the others.  Sounds a little crazy, I know.  But, it works miracles!

I was first introduced by a yoga studio in Cincinnati.  I was visiting my family and had insane cold that would not go away.  I kept going to yoga and snot would pour out of me during class.  I had never been like that before, always having to carry tissues on me.  The yoga teachers sent me home with one and after the first use I was already feeling better.

Since then, I have taken with me on tour and have one at home, as well as keep one at my mom’s in Ohio.   I even bought one for everyone of my family’s household’s for Christmas one year and put one in my extended family’s white elephant gift exchange.  My cousin that ended up with it, was not to pleased with his gift but when I saw him the next Christmas he was singing it’s praises.  It had helped all of his sinus problems that he had battled and taken prescription medicine for years.


Using a Neti Pot is good for:

  • Allergys
  • Alleviate Congestion
  • Relieve Sinus Symptoms
  • Release Facial Pressure
  • Nasal Dryness
  • Hay Fever
  • Irritation from dust, animal dander, fumes, pollen
  • Dissolve mucus build up from air travel, air conditioners, heated rooms, or dry climates

And if you don’t have any of those problems it is also just great for waking up the nostrils and to start the day breathing freely. 

So, how do you use it?   Fill the pot with warm, but not too warm water and mix in 1/2 – 1 images-1teaspoon of salt.   To sterilize the water you can boil it and then wait for it to cool down.  It is best to use over a sink.  Tilt your head up  at about a 45 degree angle and pour half of the mixture into the top nostril.  Allowing it to flow out the bottom nostril.  Blow into the sink, with no tissue between sides.  Now, do the other side, and blow your nose when it has all flowed through.    For a bigger job you can use a full neti pot on each side.

I know it sounds and looks weird, but it works and is inexpensive.   And it may be an odd thing to travel with, but they sell plastic ones and they really do work to alleviate pressure, adjust to your new climate, and clear out that stale airplane air.


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