Wow.  Here it goes.

I have contemplated starting a blog for some time now, but I have always stopped myself with the usual self-doubt.  Do I have anything valuable to share?  Who am I to share my thoughts? Will anyone care? Am I a good enough writer? BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

I recently thought maybe I will start a blog when I leave on my journey to India.  That will be a good way to share with all of my loved ones at once. But, this week I realized that I am already on my journey.  My journey isn’t going to start when I land in India, it is happening now. Everyday, every hour, every moment is all my journey.

In an exploration today in my Cafe Gratitude Logbook it asks, “What act of generosity could you take on today that would be a stretch to you.”  Starting this blog is my act of generosity.  In this I am being generous to myself, I am affirming that I am worthy of sharing myself, I am worthy of the confidence it takes to put words out into this space for all to share.  I am also being generous to my community by pulling back layers of myself and letting my community in to my life in a new way.

This year I learned a lot about myself, I was able to name several “coping” mechanisms that I used to get to where I am today.  I realized that I had never fully accepted love, even in the form of a thank you.  I,  also realized that I have gone through life telling myself that I don’t need people, that I can do it all on my own.  I believe by sharing myself on this blog I will be able to LET GO of those old ideas even more and really open myself up even more to the love I have to offer, and the love that is available for me to receive.

In giving I presence wholeness for myself and all.

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