Katie Horwitch is a writer, speaker, mindset coach, and the founder of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk, a platform that gives women tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to move forward fearlessly by shifting their negative self-talk patterns. A thought-leader on all things self-talk, Katie has been featured on CNN, The Cut, mindbodygreen, Healthline, and more. She’s worked with global brands such as I AM THAT GIRL, SXSW, Lululemon, and Whole30 to help women
build self-confidence, live fearlessly, and shift the emotional DNA that shapes our negative self-talk patterns.
Katie is a certified mindset coach that has helped companies and clients around the world make lasting positive shifts in their self-perception. She hosts TheWANTcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast (now in its 6th year), and recently launched WANT’s membership platform, The WANT Community – which provides women with empowerment, encouragement, resources and support to shift their self-talk in an inclusive, intimate setting.
Focused on shifting the cultural self-talk paradigm, Katie spends her time producing multimedia content, programs, and events about how to use your unique strengths to make the biggest impact possible. Katie lives in NYC with her husband (and dog-daughter Frankie) and is currently writing her first book.
In this episode we talk about:
This week I did something different! I have Katie Horwitch (writer, speaker, mindset coach, and the founder of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk) back on the podcast for another conversation. This time instead of getting into her journey (we did that in episode 85) we talk about her now. What is happening for her now, how she is managing a transition, and how it relates to my recent transition and the steps leading up to it.
I hope this supports you and gets you thinking! Let us know what you think @_triciahuffman @katiehorwitch
For more from Katie check out katiehorwitch.com
Listen to her story on episode 85
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.