Choose Love! A 30 Day Email Program!

love-logo~~~~~~~ It is already up and running!  Stay tuned for more programs to come. ~~~~~~~  

 It is February!  The month of love!  The month of self-love!  I want to celebrate it with you, so I have created a 30 day email campaign all about love!

Starting February 14th, I will send you a daily email for 30 days that is all focused on sharing my tools for loving myself, loving my life, and loving all those sharing this life with me.

I am a self-love guru for going on 18 years now!  You can read here how choosing to love myself at the ripe age of 15 saved my life and inspired me to truly live a life that I love.

No matter what your life looks like, the most important thing is to take care of you.  When you are at your healthiest and your happiest everyone benefits! Allow yourself to inspire yourself.  Allow yourself to love yourself.  Allow yourself to forgive yourself.

Come along on this 30 day mission to CHOOSE LOVE!  You deserve it!

With the 30 day of emails you will also get access to a private CHOOSE LOVE Facebook group so that I get to connect with you, see what is coming up for you, support you and just love you all up even more!

~ You can also gift this to someone that you love!  How cool is that for a Valentine’s gift! Just enter their info when you are redirected after payment. ~

—–Already in progress!  Stay tuned for the next one!—————————————————


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