Acknowledge it. -


I have been wanting to clean my closet out forever. But every time I go to do it I talk myself into keeping pretty much everything. I think I need it. I won’t have enough if I let it go. Even if it is worn out. Doesn’t fit great. Hasn’t been worn in years. I need it. I need to have a full closet. But why?!

I say I can’t afford new clothes so I hold onto stuff I don’t like. But that isn’t living in abundance. That is living in lack.

If I let go of the clothes that I know I don’t love I then have a closet with space to welcome more in but also a closet full of what excites me. Instead of weeding through 30+ old shirts each day I can easily grab one of the few I love.

We have so much. But we are afraid to let go of what doesn’t serve us. We don’t need what wastes our time and energy. We don’t need to feel overfull to be abundant.

We have so much. ✨✨✨ what can you clear out today? From your closet✨your mind ✨your life.

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