Today, I got more creative on my 7 day juice feast and whipped up a little raw soup in my vitamix.
The heirloom tomatoes were calling out to me at the farmers market yesterday and I figured I could whip up something liquified with them. My only plan was to use the tomatoes.
So this is what I collaborated with and I am satisfied!
1 good sized (mine is the size of my palm+) heirloom tomato (can use other kinds, of course)
1/2 of a cucumber
1 1/4 cup of fresh water
2 TBLS of miso paste
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp of salt (and to taste I like it a bit salty)
fresh pepper to taste
Place it all and more (if you want) in the Vitamix and blend away! After tasting mine and adding a bit more salt and pepper, I poured it into a mug and I sipped and savored every last bit!
That sounds yummy! I really want a Vitamix and I REALLY need to do a juice fast!!