Feb 27, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Feeling lots of feeling today. But at the core of it all I always choose to see the good. The good that I am seeing is that so so so many of us are shaken up which leads to action, which leads to change, which leads to community. Your voice matters. You matter....
Feb 7, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Feeling feelings is not wrong. Not knowing doesn’t mean you never will or that you are not good enough or smart enough or driven enough. Having an opinion, an original opinion is valuable. Don’t be afraid of voicing it. Trust yourself. Be yourself. Heal...
Feb 28, 2011 | Dear Diary, Health + Wellness
Sometimes I find myself attempting to be lazy about the silliest, smallest things. Just now, I was getting dressed after showering from the gym. I started to pull on my clothes and paused remembering that I had not put on any body lotion. Eh, I thought, whatever. ...