Nov 10, 2014 | Dear Diary
To live your life, your way. You don’t have to ask permission to live your dreams. You don’t have to ask permission to change your mind. You don’t need someone blowing smoke up your ass telling you YES that is what you SHOULD do. (Tweet it!) You don’t...
Nov 9, 2014 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Quit caring so much about what they think and start caring more about what YOU think.
Feb 15, 2011 | Dear Diary
I did it! I turned 30! I have always felt much older than my actual age and never got caught up on the number. A good majority of my friends and people that I have worked with are far, far older than I (twice my age) and I never felt out of place. To tell you the...
Nov 1, 2010 | Health + Wellness
I love love love this clothing line and it’s website that just launched from the creator of The Daily Love, Mastin Kipp. The website is simply gorgeous, with a self-empowering slideshow story that shows off the Ts and inspires. A portion of your purchase goes...