Sep 30, 2014 | Health + Wellness
You guys, it’s fall! I love summer. I love the beach. I love the warmth. I love a nice glass of chilled rose’ on a hot summer evening. But…I really love fall, too. I love getting cozy in a sweater and boots and warming up with a blanket. I...
Mar 4, 2014 | Health + Wellness
The Neti Pot that is! With Spring coming up, the Neti Pot is definitely a great thing to have on hand for change of season sinus, allergies, and colds. I am sure that many of you have seen these odd little pots that you stick up your nose. You fill it with a mixture...
Feb 11, 2014 | Health + Wellness
Oil Pulling has been getting a lot of coverage in the last year. I am happy to hear and see it, but I know many are still hesitant. I first heard of this traditional ayurvedic practice from a good friend on our girlfriend email chain where we share recipes and...
Apr 13, 2011 | Health + Wellness
I always forget about the magic of Oil of Oregano. I often turn to eatting raw garlic cloves when I get sick. It is easily accessible, cheap and nature’s anti-biotic, but oil of oregano is also an easy thing to incoorporate into daily life and to take when...