You’re hot then you’re cold….#tuesdaytip

Winter is in full bloom.  We are finally even feeling some chills even here in Southern California!  With cold weather always comes those cold and flu bugs that we all love so much.  They seem to pop up when we think we have them beat.  They show up when we have a...

Nature’s medicine:Oil of Oregano

I always forget about the magic of Oil of Oregano.  I often turn to eatting raw garlic cloves when I get sick.  It is easily accessible, cheap and nature’s anti-biotic, but oil of oregano is also an easy thing to incoorporate into daily life and to take when...

Jumping for Joy – For real.

Have you heard of rebounding?  Jumping on mini-trampolines?  It is amazing.  It does a lot for your internal and external body, but I really don’t even give a damn about that (okay, of course i do), but I would do it anyway if it didn’t. It is so fun!  I...

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