Aug 12, 2014 | Dear Diary
You’re up, then you’re down. You’re down then you’re up. Life. Two weeks ago, I was having a down week. I was contemplating a lot, things felt heavy. I doubted many relationships and friendships in my life. I was lost on some...
Mar 25, 2014 | Health + Wellness
Not gossiping is easier said then done, as are most things in life, but it really IS possible! Or, perhaps you are reading this and thinking, pssh I am so positive, I DO NOT gossip. But, let’s be real here. Gossip happens, catch yourself, stop yourself. {click...
Mar 22, 2013 | Dear Diary
This morning I woke up swimming in stories that didn’t serve me. Stories that have been showing up here and there over the last couple of months, but I was able to put them in their place and move along. They kept coming back though! Today, I decided, today I...