Focus on what you want more of.

What are you putting your attention on? When you bitch, moan, complain, gossip, you are sitting a space that breeds negativity. And more negative shit is what you will see. Focus on the good. Celebrate others and yourself. Acknowledge every baby step. Say thank you...

Guayaki Yerba Mate’

I love me some Yerba Mate’.  I believe, that I was first introduced to it in 2005, when I was on tour doing sound with a hippy jam band The String Cheese Incident.  The entire team, band and crew, were Mate’ fiends all choosing to drink it the traditional...

I am being in the air.

As soon as the plane’s wheels lifted from the ground, the overwhelming sense of home came over me.  Not just of home, but of this is right, this is where I belong.  Immediately, my mind is full of ideas, of acknowledgments of memories.  I want to write it all. Why is...

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