When was the last time that you re-evaluated your dreams?

Well hello there.  I had a baby and I blinked and she is 8 months old and I half of 2016 has gone by.  I mean we all say that time goes by fast, but I am really feeling it this year. It feels like I was just hustling my butt off to get out the thousands of orders that...

Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.

Things don’t always go the way we want them to. People don’t always do what they say. People let us down. You can communicate crystal fucking clearly, repeatedly.  Details can be agreed upon.  Contracts can be drawn up.  And, yet, things may still not go...

I am Being enough.

Am I enough? Am I serving a purpose? Am I being of service? Am I who I want to be? Am I who I say I am? Am I confident? Am I strong? Am I empowering? Am I love inspiring? Am I just here? What am I? Asking myself these questions is great as long as I answer myself and...

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