May 30, 2011 | Health + Wellness
Last week, the ultra inspiring Domino Project released their third title. First was Seth Godin’s Poke the Box, then Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work, and now Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance. This release is to celebrate Emerson’s 208th...
Mar 14, 2011 | Health + Wellness
One of my fellow Domino Project members, Mario Chamorro, created an art exhibit out of a project where he asked about 2000 people to draw anything that makes them happy on a post-it. I love this! What an amazing gift to give, to ask people to pause and think about...
Feb 27, 2011 | Health + Wellness
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I had been picked to be part of Seth Godin’s Domino Project Street Team. To be honest, I didn’t know what exactly that meant. To be honest, I didn’t really understand what the Domino Project and re-inventing the...