Hit the Pot – #tuesdaytip

The Neti Pot that is! With Spring coming up, the Neti Pot is definitely a great thing to have on hand for change of season sinus, allergies, and colds. I am sure that many of you have seen these odd little pots that you stick up your nose.   You fill it with a mixture...

Warm Yourself Up. – #tuesdaytip

It is winter.  In most parts of the country it is frigid.  Here in California, it was 80 today.  But it still gets cooler here at night and my house locks in the cold.  So, even if it tank top weather outside, inside I am often wearing fleece lined slippers, a hoodie...

Nature’s medicine:Oil of Oregano

I always forget about the magic of Oil of Oregano.  I often turn to eatting raw garlic cloves when I get sick.  It is easily accessible, cheap and nature’s anti-biotic, but oil of oregano is also an easy thing to incoorporate into daily life and to take when...

Boost your Immune

This time of year especially those little cold and flu bugs love to fly around, here are a few of my natural remedies to keep yourself in your best health! 1. Neti Pot A Neti Pot naturally cleanses, refreshes, and protects the nasal passages, one of our body’s...

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